add the read group info to the sam file on a per lane basis
Usage: biostar78400 [options] Files
Compression Level.
Default: 5
-h, --help
print help and exit
What kind of help. One of [usage,markdown,xml].
-o, --output
Output file. Optional . Default: stdout
-p, --regex
Regular expression that can be used to parse read names in the incoming
SAM file. Flowcell: (group 1)and the lane (group 2). Another pattern
could be
Default: ([a-zA-Z0-9]+):([0-9]):[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+.*
Sam output format.
Default: SAM
Possible Values: [BAM, SAM, CRAM]
print version and exit
* -x, --xmlFile
XML description of the groups.
. Setting JAVA_HOME is not enough : (e.g: )$ git clone ""
$ cd jvarkit
$ ./gradlew biostar78400
The java jar file will be installed in the dist
The project is licensed under the MIT license.
Should you cite biostar78400 ?
The current reference is:
Lindenbaum, Pierre (2015): JVarkit: java-based utilities for Bioinformatics. figshare.
Reads’ name should start with the following signature:
the XML should look like this:
<flowcell name="HS2000-1259_127">
<lane index="1">
<group ID="X1">
<flowcell name="HS2000-1259_128">
<lane index="2">
<group ID="x2">
$ cat input.sam
@SQ SN:ref LN:45
@SQ SN:ref2 LN:40
HS2000-1259_127:1:1210:15640:52255 163 ref 7 30 8M4I4M1D3M = 37 39
HS2000-1259_128:2:1210:15640:52255 0 ref 9 30 1S2I6M1P1I1P1I4M2I * 0
$java -jar dist/biostar78400.jar \
-x groups.xml \
input.sam \
@HD VN:1.4 SO:unsorted
@SQ SN:ref LN:45
@SQ SN:ref2 LN:40
@RG ID:X1 PL:P1 PU:P1 LB:L1 DS:blabla SM:S1 CN:C1
@RG ID:x2 PL:P2 PU:P2 LB:L2 DS:blabla SM:S2 CN:C1
@PG ID:Biostar78400 PN:Biostar78400 PP:Biostar78400 VN:1.0 (...)
HS2000-1259_127:1:1210:15640:52255 163 ref 7 30 8M4I4M1D3M = 37 39 TTAGATAAAGAGGATACTG * RG:Z:X1 XX:B:S,12561,2,20,112
HS2000-1259_128:2:1210:15640:52255 0 ref 9 30 1S2I6M1P1I1P1I4M2I * 0 0AAAAGATAAGGGATAAA * RG:Z:x2