Scan short inversions in SAM using supplementary reads.
Usage: samshortinvert [options] Files
If this program writes a VCF to a file, The format is first guessed from
the file suffix. Otherwise, force BCF output. The current supported BCF
version is : 2.1 which is not compatible with bcftools/htslib (last
checked 2019-11-15)
Default: false
-B, --bed, -r, --rgn
A source of intervals. The following suffixes are recognized: vcf,
vcf.gz bed, bed.gz, gtf, gff, gff.gz, gtf.gz.Otherwise it could be an
empty string (no interval) or a list of plain interval separated by '[
Generate MD5 checksum for VCF output.
Default: false
-h, --help
print help and exit
What kind of help. One of [usage,markdown,xml].
min mapping quality
Default: 1
-m, --maxsize
max size of inversion.
Default: 10000
-o, --output
Output file. Optional . Default: stdout
-partition, --partition
Data partitioning using the SAM Read Group (see ) . It can
be any combination of sample, library....
Default: sample
Possible Values: [readgroup, sample, library, platform, center, sample_by_platform, sample_by_center, sample_by_platform_by_center, any]
-F, --ratio
Two intervals are the same if they both have more or equals of this
fraction of length in common. A decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. If
the value ends with '%' it is interpretted as a percentage eg. '1%' =>
'0.01'. A slash '/' is interpretted as a ratio. e.g: '1/100' => '0.01'.
Default: 0.75
* -R, --reference
Indexed fasta Reference file. This file must be indexed with samtools
faidx and with picard CreateSequenceDictionary
print version and exit
-s, -supporting
Don't print the variant if INFO/DP <= 's'
Default: 1
. Setting JAVA_HOME is not enough : (e.g: )$ git clone ""
$ cd jvarkit
$ ./gradlew samshortinvert
The java jar file will be installed in the dist
The project is licensed under the MIT license.
Should you cite samshortinvert ?
The current reference is:
Lindenbaum, Pierre (2015): JVarkit: java-based utilities for Bioinformatics. figshare.
finds the regions having some short inversions.
input is a set of BAM files. One file ending with ‘.list’ is interpreted as a file containing some path to the bams.
output is a VCF file
$ find DIR -type f -name "*.bam" > bams.list
$ java -jar ${JVARKIT_DIST}/samshortinvert.jar -R ref.fasta bams.list |\
bcftools view -i 'INFO/DPMAX>10' > out.vcf