

Last commit

Split VCF+VEP by gene/transcript using a GTF file.


Usage: vcfgtfsplitter [options] Files
      Use bcf format
      Default: false
    -C, --contig, --chromosome
      Limit to those contigs.
      Default: []
      Only use  gene_biotype="protein_coding".
      Default: false
    --upstream, --downstream
      length for upstream and downstream features. A distance specified as a 
      positive integer.Commas are removed. The following suffixes are 
      interpreted : b,bp,k,kb,m,mb
      Default: 1000
      Features to keep. Comma separated values. A set of 'cds,exon,intron,transcript,utr,utr5,utr3,stop,start,upstream,downstream,splice'
      Default: cds,exon,intron,transcript,cds_utr,cds_utr5,cds_utr3,utr5,utr3,stop,start
      Force writing a gene/transcript even if there is no variant.
      Default: false
  * -g, -G, --gtf
      A GTF (General Transfer Format) file. See 
      https://www.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff.html . Please note that 
      CDS are only detected if a start and stop codons are defined.
    -h, --help
      print help and exit
      What kind of help. One of [usage,markdown,xml].
      Ignore FILTERED variant
      Default: false
      index files
      Default: false
    -m, --manifest
      Manifest Bed file output containing chrom/start/end of each gene
  * -o, --output
      An existing directory or a filename ending with the '.zip' suffix.
      distance to splice site for 'splice' feature. A distance specified as a 
      positive integer.Commas are removed. The following suffixes are 
      interpreted : b,bp,k,kb,m,mb
      Default: 5
    -T, --transcript
      split by transcript. (default is to split per gene)
      Default: false
      print version and exit
      Remove annotations. Variant Attribute cleaner. The syntax is the same as 
      'bcftools annotate'. e.g: 'INFO/AC,INFO/ANN'  Empty string does nothing.



Requirements / Dependencies

Download and Compile

$ git clone "https://github.com/lindenb/jvarkit.git"
$ cd jvarkit
$ ./gradlew vcfgtfsplitter

The java jar file will be installed in the dist directory.

Creation Date


Source code


Unit Tests




The project is licensed under the MIT license.


Should you cite vcfgtfsplitter ? https://github.com/mr-c/shouldacite/blob/master/should-I-cite-this-software.md

The current reference is:


Lindenbaum, Pierre (2015): JVarkit: java-based utilities for Bioinformatics. figshare. http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1425030


$ java -jar dist/vcfgtfsplitter.jar  -m jeter.manifest --gtf  input.gtf.gz -o jeter.zip src/test/resources/test_vcf01.vcf 

$ unzip -l jeter.zip 
Archive:  jeter.zip
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     4741  2019-11-18 10:52   d2/a0884d9bf86378a2cd0bfacef19723/ENSG00000188157.vcf.gz
     4332  2019-11-18 10:52   4d/11ff4f2413d4a369ee9a51192acad3/ENSG00000131591.vcf.gz
---------                     -------
     9073                     2 files

$ column -t jeter.manifest 
#chrom  start    end      Gene-Id          Gene-Name  Gene-Biotype    path                                                      Count_Variants
1       955502   991496   ENSG00000188157  AGRN       protein_coding  d2/a0884d9bf86378a2cd0bfacef19723/ENSG00000188157.vcf.gz  20
1       1017197  1051741  ENSG00000131591  C1orf159   protein_coding  4d/11ff4f2413d4a369ee9a51192acad3/ENSG00000131591.vcf.gz  6

$ java -jar dist/vcfgtfsplitter.jar -T --index  --gtf  jeter.gtf  -m jeter.manifest -o jeter.zip src/test/resources/test_vcf01.vcf
$ unzip -l jeter.zip 
Archive:  jeter.zip
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     4749  2019-11-18 10:56   93/00d3aa560bdbe3b3ff964e24303107/ENST00000379370.vcf.gz
     4749  2019-11-18 10:56   93/00d3aa560bdbe3b3ff964e24303107/ENST00000379370.vcf.gz.tbi
     3108  2019-11-18 10:56   6d/001c37d11b192bcd77ac089ec258f2/ENST00000477585.vcf.gz
     2969  2019-11-18 10:56   3a/8e697b04e03716942b362afbe7ee51/ENST00000472741.vcf.gz
     2969  2019-11-18 10:56   3a/8e697b04e03716942b362afbe7ee51/ENST00000472741.vcf.gz.tbi
     2969  2019-11-18 10:56   2c/4ced556d7722b978453c38d5525ee0/ENST00000480643.vcf.gz
     2969  2019-11-18 10:56   2c/4ced556d7722b978453c38d5525ee0/ENST00000480643.vcf.gz.tbi
---------                     -------
   175030                     46 files

$ column -t jeter.manifest 
#chrom  start    end      Gene-Id          Gene-Name  Gene-Biotype    Transcript-Id    path                                                      Count_Variants
1       955502   991496   ENSG00000188157  AGRN       protein_coding  ENST00000379370  93/00d3aa560bdbe3b3ff964e24303107/ENST00000379370.vcf.gz  20
1       969485   976105   ENSG00000188157  AGRN       protein_coding  ENST00000477585  6d/001c37d11b192bcd77ac089ec258f2/ENST00000477585.vcf.gz  3
1       970246   976777   ENSG00000188157  AGRN       protein_coding  ENST00000469403  a9/fe6f84e1a425797d5b58ceae3a8313/ENST00000469403.vcf.gz  2
1       983908   984774   ENSG00000188157  AGRN       protein_coding  ENST00000492947  55/b5a514c94417efe2632aba379d8247/ENST00000492947.vcf.gz  1
1       1017197  1051461  ENSG00000131591  C1orf159   protein_coding  ENST00000379339  7b/26f9faff411f6e056fefc89cd15a24/ENST00000379339.vcf.gz  6
1       1017197  1051736  ENSG00000131591  C1orf159   protein_coding  ENST00000448924  56/fad8194b90771b0c3e931bc4772be1/ENST00000448924.vcf.gz  6
1       1017197  1051736  ENSG00000131591  C1orf159   protein_coding  ENST00000294576  df/3aa6bebac650a6c9f59409521ae17d/ENST00000294576.vcf.gz  6


