

Last commit

Convert SAM/BAM to PSL http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format2 or BED12


use bedtools/bamtobed


Usage: sam2psl [options] Files
    -h, --help
      print help and exit
      What kind of help. One of [usage,markdown,xml].
    -o, --output
      Output file. Optional . Default: stdout
    -R, --reference
      Indexed fasta Reference file. This file must be indexed with samtools 
      faidx and with picard CreateSequenceDictionary
    -s, --single
      treat all reads as single end.
      Default: false
      print version and exit
    -B, bed12
      Export as BED 12.
      Default: false



Requirements / Dependencies

Download and Compile

$ git clone "https://github.com/lindenb/jvarkit.git"
$ cd jvarkit
$ ./gradlew sam2psl

The java jar file will be installed in the dist directory.

Creation Date


Source code


Unit Tests




The project is licensed under the MIT license.


Should you cite sam2psl ? https://github.com/mr-c/shouldacite/blob/master/should-I-cite-this-software.md

The current reference is:


Lindenbaum, Pierre (2015): JVarkit: java-based utilities for Bioinformatics. figshare. http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1425030


Convert SAM/BAM to PSL http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format2 or BED12 .

Properly-paired reads are extended to the mate’s position.

What ? bamtobed http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/tools/bamtobed.html does the same job ?! too late.

Cited in:


$ samtools view -b  http://hgdownload-test.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm9/encodeDCC/wgEncodeCaltechRnaSeq/wgEncodeCaltechRnaSeq10t12C3hFR2x75Th131Il200AlnRep1.bam "chr15:81575506-81616397" |\
   java -jar ~/src/jvarkit-git/dist/sam2psl.jar -s   > out.psl

$ tail out.psl
6065	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	-	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:1105:11756:193850_2:N:0:/2_147	101	0	101	chr15	10349497481616327	81622456	3	1,5,95,	0,1,6,	81616327,81616393,81622362,
6065	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	-	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:1301:4643:94800_2:N:0:/2_147	101	0	101	chr15	103494974	81616334	81622456	3	1,5,95,	0,1,6,	81616334,81616393,81622362,
6065	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	-	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:1308:18580:185579_2:Y:0:/2_147	101	0	101	chr15	10349497481616327	81622456	3	1,5,95,	0,1,6,	81616327,81616393,81622362,
6065	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	-	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:2205:10117:76559_2:N:0:/2_147	101	0	101	chr15	10349497481616321	81622456	3	1,5,95,	0,1,6,	81616321,81616393,81622362,
6065	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	-	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:2206:7885:15613_2:N:0:/2_403	101	0	101	chr15	103494974	81613633	81622456	3	1,5,95,	0,1,6,	81613633,81616393,81622362,
6065	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	-	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:2206:7885:15613_2:N:0:/2_147	101	0	101	chr15	103494974	81616308	81622456	3	1,5,95,	0,1,6,	81616308,81616393,81622362,
6065	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	-	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:2303:12879:149117_1:Y:0:/1_83	101	0	101	chr15	10349497481616334	81622456	3	1,5,95,	0,1,6,	81616334,81616393,81622362,
6064	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	+	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:1301:11600:100190_1:N:0:/1_99	100	0	100	chr15	10349497481616393	81622457	2	4,96,	0,4,	81616393,81622361,
6064	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	+	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:2304:5980:187674_1:Y:0:/1_99	100	0	100	chr15	103494974	81616393	81622457	2	4,96,	0,4,	81616393,81622361,
6065	0	0	0	0	0	0	5964	-	HWI-ST0787:100:C02F9ACXX:3:1306:18607:99733_2:N:0:/2_147	101	0	101	chr15	10349497481616334	81622457	3	1,4,96,	0,1,5,	81616334,81616394,81622362,

used as a custom track in the UCSC genome browser.


See also

Cited in