Bam matrix, inspired from 10x/loupe
This program is now part of the main jvarkit
tool. See jvarkit for compiling.
Usage: java -jar dist/jvarkit.jar bammatrix [options] Files
Usage: bammatrix [options] Files
Color scale
Default: LOG
Possible Values: [LINEAR, LOG]
-d, --distance
Don't evaluate a point if the distance between the regions is lower than
'd'. Negative: don't consider distance.
Default: -1
--gtf, -g
Optional gtf file to draw the exons. A GTF (General Transfer Format)
file. See . Please
note that CDS are only detected if a start and stop codons are defined.
-h, --help
print help and exit
What kind of help. One of [usage,markdown,xml].
--higligth, -B
Optional Bed file to hightlight regions of interest
minimal mapping quality
Default: 30
-C, --min-common
Don't print a point if there are less than 'c' common names at the
Default: 0
--name, -name
user read name or use 'BX:Z:'/'MI:i:' attribute from 10x genomics as
the read name. "Chromium barcode sequence that is error-corrected and
confirmed against a list of known-good barcode sequences.". See
Default: READ_NAME
Possible Values: [READ_NAME, BX, MI]
Don't print coverage
Default: false
-o, --output
Output file. Optional . Default: stdout
pixel size. Each dot at intersection will have the following size
Default: 1
-R, --reference
Indexed fasta Reference file. This file must be indexed with samtools
faidx and with picard/gatk CreateSequenceDictionary or samtools dict
* -r, -r1, --region
first region.An interval as the following syntax : "chrom:start-end".
Some jvarkit programs also allow the following syntax :
"chrom:middle+extend" or "chrom:start-end+extend" or
"chrom:start-end+extend-percent%".A program might use a Reference
sequence to fix the chromosome name (e.g: 1->chr1)
-r2, --region2
2nd region. Default: use first region. An interval as the following
syntax : "chrom:start-end". Some jvarkit programs also allow the
following syntax : "chrom:middle+extend" or "chrom:start-end+extend" or
"chrom:start-end+extend-percent%".A program might use a Reference
sequence to fix the chromosome name (e.g: 1->chr1)
-sa, --sa
Use other canonical alignements from the 'SA:Z:*' attribute
Default: false
-s, --size
matrix size in pixel
Default: 1000
-su, --supplementary
Use other supplementary alignements
Default: false
print version and exit
The project is licensed under the MIT license.
Should you cite bammatrix ?
The current reference is:
Lindenbaum, Pierre (2015): JVarkit: java-based utilities for Bioinformatics. figshare.
java -jar dist/bammatrix.jar -o out.png \
--kg "" \
-r "chr1:2345-6789" -B cnv.bed --name BX \
input with two bam files (for comparing mappers)
java -jar dist/bammatrix.jar -r "chr1:234-567" -o out.png sample.markdup.01.bam sample.markdup.02.bam