Utilities for the setfile format
This program is now part of the main jvarkit
tool. See jvarkit for compiling.
Usage: java -jar dist/jvarkit.jar setfiletools [options] Files
Usage: setfiletools [options] Files
Restrict input to this bed file.
disable unique-name checker.
Default: false
Extends each interval. Extending interval. The following syntaxes are
supported: 1000; 1kb; 1,000; 30%(shrink); 150% (extend); 0.5 (shrink);
1.5 (extend)
-h, --help
print help and exit
What kind of help. One of [usage,markdown,xml].
when using vcf, only keep the setfile is there are at least 'x'
overlapping variants.
Default: 1
-o, --out
Output file. Optional . Default: stdout. For action=cluster, output is:
An existing directory or a filename ending with the '.zip' or '.tar' or
'.tar.gz' suffix.
* -R, --reference
Indexed fasta Reference file. This file must be indexed with samtools
faidx and with picard/gatk CreateSequenceDictionary or samtools dict
-U, --remove-unused-interval
Default: false
Validation Stringency
Default: LENIENT
Possible Values: [STRICT, LENIENT, SILENT]
-t, --trim-chr
Remove chr prefix in chromosome names on output.
Default: false
--vcf, --vcfs
Restrict input to thoses vcf file(s). A file with the '.list' suffix is
interpreted as a list of paths to the vcfs.
Default: []
print version and exit
The project is licensed under the MIT license.
Should you cite setfiletools ? https://github.com/mr-c/shouldacite/blob/master/should-I-cite-this-software.md
The current reference is:
Lindenbaum, Pierre (2015): JVarkit: java-based utilities for Bioinformatics. figshare. http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1425030
$ echo -e "w RF01:150-200\nx RF01:1-100,RF02:1-100\ny RF01:90-200,RF03:1-100\nz RF03:50-150,RF04:100-200" | java -jar dist/setfiletools.jar -R src/test/resources/rotavirus_rf.fa combine
w_x RF01:1-100,RF01:150-200,RF02:1-100
w_y RF01:90-200,RF03:1-100
w_z RF01:150-200,RF03:50-150,RF04:100-200
x_y RF01:1-200,RF02:1-100,RF03:1-100
x_z RF01:1-100,RF02:1-100,RF03:50-150,RF04:100-200
y_z RF01:90-200,RF03:1-150,RF04:100-200
creates a setfile from two bed files. First bed is “peaks.bed” second bed is “genes.bed”. The output is a set file . Each record in the output setFile is a ‘gene’ where all items are the overlapping peaks.
gunzip -c in.gtf.gz|\
awk -F '\t' '($3=="gene") {B=int($4)-1;X=100;printf("%s\t%d\t%s\n",$1,(B<X?0:B-X),int($5)+X);}' |\
sort -t $'\t' -k1,1 -k2,2n |\
java -jar dist/setfiletools.jar -R ref.dict in.bed.gz -
print whole setrecords overlapping bed file, there is to trimming
java -jar dist/setfiletools.jar -R ref.dict in.bed.gz in.setfile