Number of repeated REF bases around POS.
This program is now part of the main jvarkit
tool. See jvarkit for compiling.
Usage: java -jar dist/jvarkit.jar vcfpolyx [options] Files
Usage: vcfpolyx [options] Files
If this program writes a VCF to a file, The format is first guessed from
the file suffix. Otherwise, force BCF output. The current supported BCF
version is : 2.1 which is not compatible with bcftools/htslib (last
checked 2019-11-15)
Default: false
Generate MD5 checksum for VCF output.
Default: false
-h, --help
print help and exit
What kind of help. One of [usage,markdown,xml].
-n, --filter, --max-repeats
if number of repeated bases is greater or equal to 'n' set a FILTER =
Default: -1
-o, --out
Output file. Optional . Default: stdout
* -R, --reference
Indexed fasta Reference file. This file must be indexed with samtools
faidx and with picard/gatk CreateSequenceDictionary or samtools dict
Don't spend some time to calculate the tag if the variant is FILTERed
Default: false
-t, --tag
Tag used in INFO and FILTER columns.
Default: POLYX
print version and exit
This program is available in nf-core at
The project is licensed under the MIT license.
Should you cite vcfpolyx ?
The current reference is:
Lindenbaum, Pierre (2015): JVarkit: java-based utilities for Bioinformatics. figshare.
$ java -jar dist/vcfpolyx.jar -R reference.fa input.vcf
2 1133956 . A G 2468.84 . POLYX=23
2 1133956 . A AG 3604.25 . POLYX=23
2 2981671 . T G 47.18 . POLYX=24